Friday, April 12, 2013

Lets not be drab

Hello fellows! I just wanted to make a post letting you know some of the feelings I'm experiencing now. I've read through plenty of amazing blogs, my favorite being Elaina 's blog. I think she perfectly chronicled life in Benin, struggles and successes. Even though she ET'd (early terminated) I would suggest you all to check it out, but also keep checking on mines ;-).

I think some of the normal feelings to be experiencing right now, with 72 days to go are sadness, apprehensiveness, anxiousness, maybe even a slight feeling of excitement? Honestly, I'm only experiencing the latter two, but then again I'm about as far away from normal as it gets. Does it make me a heartless person that I'm not that sad about being away from my family (I don't mention friends because I don't have any)? I love my family, let that never be mistaken, but honestly we're not really all that close. We used to be and I'm sure we still would be if everyone were not so preoccupied with trying to make it day to day. I think it will be good for me to get away and give my family a chance to miss me and show they care. I forget sometimes to be real. It will be good for me as well to be able to get away regain a new perspective of how important they really are to me. The other day my Dad surprised the heck out of me when he called letting me know that he had Google Peace Corps Benin and learned about the Kate Puzey case and voiced his concerns. That conversation really sucked but I felt a little happy because it showed me that he does care enough to do the fatherly thing and check out where I would be going. It would be nice to feel that from all my family. I guess that's more of a latent goal of mines. As for my main goals...


So I'll leave you with that... next post will be on my biggest fears.

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