Get in Touch with Me


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Jannah Muhammad
Peace Corps Volunteer
Corps de la Paix
B.P. 971
Cotonou, BENIN
Afrique de l'ouest (West Africa)

• Use the US Postal Service- NOT  FedEx or UPS.
• Use padded envelopes only, NOT BOXES. They are cheaper for you to send and for us to receive.
• Write everything (even addresses) in big RED letters because that is generally associated with government or top secret things that they don't want to mess with.
• Write "Dieu Te Regarde" on the package in large letters. This translates as, "God is watching you". Religious stickers may also help.
• Never write the real value of items on the customs form.
• Always list value of package as $10 or less otherwise, we have to pay taxes on packages. Also, if they think there are valuable items in a package, they will open the package and then charge us more money or they may take the contents for themselves.
• Include an itemized list of the contents in the package so if there is something missing, I will know it. If they don't know English, then they won't know what the note says, and if they do, they will know that someone paid attention to what was sent so if everything doesn't make it, there is more of a chance of someone following up.
  • Also, get creative when packing things as to protect it from the vermin that will be competing with me for my goodies! I'm thinking aluminum foil double wrapped in tape put into a Ziploc baggy inserted into a tin can may do the trick.

If you are the angel that wishes to send me something, anything, I would like to thank you in advance. Letters are the cheapest for me to receive and more than appreciated. If you are feeling extra kind and wish to send me a care package please refer to my wishlist for my most wanted items. Let me know you thought of me and I'll think of you while shopping in Africa ;-)


  1. Jannah!!!!!! Hope all is well! This Is Lee!

  2. Jennah(I know I have an e) check your email please. Love, Aunt Shannon- Not Anonymous.

  3. Hello JenJen, I seen your email today, I Love you so much. I started College after 32 Years since I grad from High School. I am so Sorry I did not write before now I been just mad busy with doing a lot of homework. I am only taking two classes reading and Writing 2. I am going to sent you a wish package soon Insha Allah. Please forgive me know that I think about you often and so proud of you. I read some of your story. InshaAllah I will finish rest over weekend. Love you Miss you. Me and someone close call you call you JenJen. Love You so much. Ps Sorry I miss your call last week I was running to school did not recognize number. keep up Great Work. Please wear the Prayer Garment I gave you and Make Dua for me in School. Insha Allah I have a dream too. My Salaam Z

  4. I pray all is well, and that Allah bestows His Mercy; Protection; and Guidance upon you. Love and miss you. I hope to hear your voice soon. Aunt Shannon

  5. As salaamu alaikum Hope all is well. And I pray allah protects you from ailments, harm, and plagues. Ameen -Sade
