Friday, January 25, 2013


OK so my slackness knows no limits. I actually received my invitation 8 days ago, January 16th, but with classes beginning the same day things were just too hectic. So where am I going you ask? The anticipation is killing you you say? Alright, Alright, lol. I'm going to this beautiful little key shaped country called Benin. My assignment is a rural health advisor and my departure date is June 24th!!!! I'm going to West Africa guys!!! AHHHH. I am still in shock, in my list of places that I wished to be sent to Benin was fourth on my top ten list so I am just too stoked.

I stayed up all night reading all the informational materials they sent and accepted my invitation at 3am in the morning. *Note: I submitted my application September 20th and was invited to serve January 16th, that's just a little under 4 months. Diligence and dedication pays off. In these 8 days since receiving my invitation I have already submitted my aspiration statement, had my eye exam papers filled out, and I am currently getting my dental paperwork filled out. I found where I can get all my physical exam related things inexpensively handled (since I do not have health insurance) and probably would have already knocked that out of the way if they didn't have to be filled out within four months of me leaving.

The most difficult thing now is trying to focus on finishing up my last semester of college when all I want to do are Peace Corps and Benin related affairs.

Did YOU Know?

The official language in Benin is French
(which is great because I took french in High School and in college)

The official religion in Benin is Voodoo
(But its not like the voodoo we see here in the states where people stick pins in dolls of exes)

There are four seasons in Benin: wet, really wet, dry, and really dry

National Park Pendjari is located in northern Benin

Benin touches the Atlantic Ocean

Slaves were shipped from Benin's coast


  1. Congrats! Omg! That's so exciting!!

  2. congrats! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Still waiting on my invite, such suspense, so glad that part is over for ya!!

  3. Thank you guys! Sorry it took so long to reply, i havent been on here in so long because i've been filling out the million and one medical forms they need. UGH!

  4. Congrats on being accepted!! Im still early in the application process and have a waysss to go haha but actuallly i have a question for you, do they now only email your invitations? Or do they still mail u the blue packets?

  5. Hey Ash! Yes, they now email you your invitation first and then they mail you the blue packet, but your first method of learning of your invitation will through email. Thank you and good luck on your journey! Stay diligent and it will go fast.

  6. thanksss! I guess email is much faster but its a little lame, i was totally planning to record myself when i finally open that big blue packet and discover my country of service... oh well lol

  7. Lol, I know how you feel. But it was still pretty excited reading that email!
