Thursday, May 30, 2013


September 20th, 2012- Submitted application
I knocked it out in 5 hours in one night because I knew if it didn’t get done that night it wouldn’t get done at all

October 16th, 2012- Last recommendation submitted. Interview Scheduled.
The reason why it took so long for my last recommendation to be submitted is only one of the many reasons why I use the word friend very loosely. Also, it seemed like my recruiter was waiting at the phone for that last recommendation because no more than 5 minutes after it was submitted I was called and my interview was scheduled for two days later.

October 18th, 2012- Interview conducted. NOMINATED!!!
My interview lasted about an hour and during that same phone call she nominated me. I was only told that my nomination was for a health extension program, my program may entail some food security, I would have to bike long distances, and that if all the legal and medical goes well and timely I could be leaving as early as the day after my graduation, May 5th.

October 31st, 2012- Legal Packet arrived
I'm staying on campus and so I have been calling my mom basically everyday making sure she checks the mailbox. Two weeks later it finally came! I worked a 7pm to 7am shift, and went home to pick it up that morning. No, I play no games with this. Time is of the essence and I know the sooner I get everything to them the sooner they will get everything back to me.

November 1st, 2012- Legal Packet sent out
The very next day I went to my campus police dept., had my fingerprints taken, filled out the forms, packaged, sealed and sent everything right back to them. This process requires diligence and commitment.
November 13th, 2012- Legally Cleared
Checked my portal like I habitually did multiple times a day and discovered that I was indeed legally cleared.
January 4th, 2013- Placement Interview
So the longest waiting period by far was between being legally cleared and actually receiving an invitation. I don’t want to give the impression that I did nothing in between these dates. Much nagging and many emails were definitely sent, but there was absolutely nothing to be done but to wait. I’m pretty sure that fact that this also fell around the time of the holidays didn’t help. Yet and still almost two months later I received a call when I least expected it and had my placement interview on the spot. I was told that next I would be receiving my invitation, through email WITHIN two weeks. More waiting…
January 16th, 2013- INVITED
Opened my email to see the header “Peace Corps invites you to serve…”   as a Rural Community Health volunteer in Benin West Africa beginning June 24th 2013. Celebration commences!!! I have to work that night but I read over the materials at work and confirm my invitation in the wee hours of the morning. The next day tasks are opened up on my medical applicant portal and I immediately get to work getting appointments set. The infamous big blue packet is received via airmail a few days later with hard copies of everything.
April 29th, 2013- Submit final medical tasks
$800 dollars and three months later I am finally done submitting all of my tasks, now more waiting to receive my final medical clearance.
May 2nd, 2013- Final Medical Clearance received
Only had an issue with one form that was missing a signature, hunted down the physician for that and finally received an email saying I was medically cleared. Ain’t no stopping me nooow, I’m on the move!
May 4th, 2013- Graduated from Columbia College
Finally was at the 50 days left mark and was also able to submit my final transcript!

May 24th, 2013- Received flight information from SATO
June 25th, 2013- Arrive in Philly
June 27th, 2013- Arrive in Benin


Sunday, May 26, 2013

In preparation of my departure...

Inshallah (God willing), a month from tomorrow I will be arriving in Benin! It is so surreal already. At graduation I was 50 days away and now I just booked my flight with SATO. I've been spending my time since graduating with my mother. I'm lucky that it is just me and her in the house for this short amount of time. Lots of quality time, food eaten, and movies watched together. Did I mention she's leaving me for 16 days and won't be back until the two days before I leave?! At least she gets back in time to drop me off at the airport. It will probably be my mom, my sister, and my grandma seeing me off. I don't want to spend too much time thinking about that tearful moment...
In the past I have been notorious for packing light, quick, and efficiently. I've never been a big fashionista or materialistic in any sense, but somehow packing for this 27 month adventure has been an unexpected challenge. I mean I have to fit my life into 107inches and 100lbs for goodness sakes! There is a rumor of a volunteer that packed nothing but a multi tool in the past and did just fine, I don't think I could ever do that. I mean my hair products alone are 15lbs, lol. I've been working to pay off the last of things that need to be payed off and buy the last of things that need to be bought. I managed to get all the clothes I need from Marshalls and Goodwill and I've been scouring other discount sites for deals. I truly lucked out at graduation and I am so blessed to have such an amazing and generous family. I cried like a baby on that day from all the outpouring love. It was truly an amazing day; the perfect lasting memory to bring with me. I have pretty much all the big things that I want to pack packed besides a shortwave radio, some sports bras, and an ipod. I also have a few tasks I need to complete before departing, here's my list:
-put in my two weeks notice at work (my last day will be June16th!)
- sign my car over to my sister
- visit my dad and if all works out right visit my grandma in NY
- cancel my car insurance
-buy my last things

I think ill be posting my first vlog soon and my next blog post will be an updated timeline from the day i first applied until the day I fly out!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Qadar Allahu Wa Masha Fa'al

I lay now at home, back with my mother after moving out of college for good. I really am so happy to see her and so happy I get to spend the next 52 days in her presence. Lately I have been recognizing how beautiful life is and I've caught myself either crying or smiling without much notice. When I walked out of my last exam I smiled, even though Im pretty sure I didn't get the grade I wanted. When I got off work yesterday morning I cryed, even though I would be off for the next 5 days. When I pulled up to my moms house I smiled, even though the front door was locked. Each time the emotions come as some innate response that I can't prevent even after trying. Graduation is two  days from now and I am sure I will smile and cry.
These last few days leading up to graduation have proven to me how blessed I am (I also received my FINAL DENTAL AND MEDICAL CLEARENCE, can I get a high pitched shriek of joy?). A lot went wrong these past four years but so much more went right. "Qadr Allahu Masha Fa'al" is what Muslims say when something happens that they may not have wanted to happen, it translates to "God has decreed it and what he willed has happened". This is the mindset I want to maintain while in Benin, because truly, nothing is in our control. I am sure being stood up for meetings, sicknesses, botchy communication, and other unforeseen events will make me question my being there. Through it all I just want to be able to see the big picture and remember that God put me there for a reason. So I know on my last post I said I would post next about my fears. Well aside from ants, snakes, and possibly losing a loved one while miles away from the USA, I am so afraid that I will not discover my purpose while I am gone. That I will either grow impatient and leave in blind frustration or that I will waste my time while there and come back with none of my goals fulfilled. Hopefully I can look back at this post and remember Qadr Allahu Wa Masha Fa'al.